SWL of shortwave radios in AM, Medium wave and Long wave, with WEB SDR in Europe by SWL F14368 Frank near Paris France. Informations about radio receivers for SWL, antennas, etc. Organiser of SWL contest 2023 and 2024.. This is my blog number ONE. Please visit my 2 other blogs about my listening. Thank you. 73

vendredi 8 septembre 2023

International SWL contest in November and December 2023 links

15 January 2024

Some news from SWL contest 2023
I still need confirmation of 2 or 3 sponsors
All the rest of sponsors will send gifts to best listeners. I dont realise it will be so much difficult for me to organise the end of the contest with so many mails to winners ans sponsors. I am happy to have organise this contest even i was stress for few days. The next contest i hope will be more easy to organise. I will not give awad to all listeners. For the SWL Contest 2023 i receive many list with only few transmiters, A listener have only 6 points !!! And many only few points. For this reason next contest listeners who dont work the contest seriously with minimum os 50 radios on shortwave will not receive an award. Rules will be different, no medium wave, you must listen maximum of radio stations on maximum of SW bands. Exemple you can listern oly one time China radio international on 25 meter, but you can also lister china radio international on other SW bands. Transmitters or place of transmitter is not important. If you listen China radio internationale you can liste also other china radio Like CNR 1, CNR2, etc. They are a lot of AM radios on sw, clandestines radios will be accepted if they are on the web site Short wave infos but no pirate radios. I will give more informations in the futur because the SWL Contest 2024 will start only the 1st of June 2024 ( and finish 31 august 2024 ) I hope you will enjoy this contest. Again web SDR or Kiwi SDR are accepted. To much SWL dont accept web or kiwi SDR and i dont like these rules; Me i have listen the SWL Contest with a XWEB SDR in Netherlands and listen 29 medium wave transmitters and 232 SW transmitters, i have use my computer to make list and i have make mistakes so last time i give wrong informations about my points. Personnaly my dream is to have a good antenna on the roof and now QRM. I cant win this !!! Again thank you to all listeners ans sponsors. Also thank you to all facebooks groups. Look all peoples who speak of the contest. I have spend lot of time to contact peoples but i was happy to do that. Best 73 de Frank SWL F14368 near Paris France

Rules and all ou nice sponsors are here now:

Radios, Blogs, web sites, Youtube channels, individuals and FACEBOOK SWL groups who talk about this contest.

Listening In Radio Youtubechannel of Gene Stevens

REF 39

Bernard Fbgzerosept

SWL groupes on FACEBOOK

YUDUN'S Medium Wave Infos


https://rckm.ovh/fr-blgs-4-256#z2 en Français mais le reglement du concours a changé

Video en Français par F5SVP

R. Colin Newell - Victoria B.C. Canada 

In English

There are 21600 QSLs in all the albums.

Radio For Peace International est une ONG de droit français. Depuis 2019, elle diffuse des programmes en ondes courtes centrés sur les questions des droits humains, particulièrement destinés aux terrains de crises et de conflits dans le monde entier : Russie, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iran, Chine, etc. RFPI n'a aucun lien avec le gouvernement américain et ne reçoit aucune aide financière de sa part. RFPI jouit d'une totale indépendance quant au choix des actions à mener et de la ligne éditoriale retenue.

Un peu d’hertz pur. ( one of our donator )

FACEBOOK GROUPS who talk about the SWL Contest 2023

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