SWL of shortwave radios in AM, Medium wave and Long wave, with WEB SDR in Europe by SWL F14368 Frank near Paris France. I like also to listen amateur radio bands, i am FØDUW. This is my blog number ONE. Please visit my 2 other blogs for radios listeners. Don't forget the SSB SWL contest who is also open to amateur radio operators, this contest will start the 01 March 2025 and finish only in October 2025. Thank you. 73

mardi 5 septembre 2023

How to know what is the name of the radio station you are listening on Medium Wave

 When you listen in Europe the medium wave 531 kHz to 1602 kHz is sometime difficult to know who is the radio who broadcast on a frequencie.

MWLIST is help by a lot of MW listeners and clubs

DX publications, DX Clubs, E-bulletins, e-mail reflectors, and web sites are the main sources of information. They include the National Radio Club (NRC), Hard Core DXing (HCDX), Medium Wave Circle (MWC), DXing.info (Mika Mäkeläinen), mwdx e-mail reflector at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mwdx/, A-DX Mailing List (Christoph Ratzer), European Medium Wave Guide (EMWG, Herman Boel), African Mediumwave Guide (AMWG), Harmonics, "Bjorn Malm, Quito, Ecuador SWB América Latina", http://www.faiallo.org/, Brazilian Medium Wave List compiled by the DXCB (Dx Clube do Brasil) 3rd edition, Pohjoisen Ulottuvuuden DX-Kuuntelijat, http://www.furuogrund.se/pax/PAX/pax.htm (Parkalompolo expeditions), http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mwoffsets/, www.asiawaves.net, NET-RADIO Mailing List (Christoph Ratzer), http://www.mediavyasa.com.mx/e107_plugins/vyasa/ver_radio.php, http://mexicoradiotv.com/, Cuba data elaborated by Mauricio Molano as per http://moladx.blogspot.com/2011/04/cuba-plan-de-reordenamiento-de-onda.html.

A easy way is to use MWLIST ( Medium wave link )


If you are not in Europe you can choice another continent

They are more of 140 frequencies !!!

But on each frequencie they are few radios who use the frequencie !!!

The best is to have a speciale antenna for MW

This is the best antenna but you can use also a tescun loop antenna for exemple.

In fact if li listen 2 radio stations on the same frequencie if you turn you antenna you will hear only ONE station !!!

Tonight i have listen a radio from Slovenia and also radio Caroline from England. 

The radio from Slovenia was very strong but after few minutes radio caroline was back with good music.

I listen with the WEB SDR of Twente university in Netherlands


How tu use a WEB SDR

The transmitter of RADIO CAROLINE is just in front of Netherlands so it is possible to liste day an night !

On 648 kHz they are 4 radios en Europe.

If you click on G radio Caroline ( G is England )

You arrive on the web site of radio CAROLINE

If you click on 
Orfordness (ND) *

You arrive to google map and you see where is located the transmitter of radio CAROLINE

You can see the transmitter house and antennas field

I find some better photos

You have info of the power of the transmitter

4 Harris DX25U tx, max 25 kW, ex 1 kW ( I dont know if they still use only 4 KW = 4000 watts )

And now the important way to know if you listen to a radio or another one !

For radio Caroline you have 4 choices

The first on the left is a MP3

The second on the left is also a MP3

The third if f you start from the left go to TUNE IN

And the last on right side

XWith this exemple its very easy but this is not the same with the 500 radio stations who are using the MEDIUM WAVE in EUROPE.

For the LOW POWER AM radios in Netherlands how use only ONE watt like Radio ELVIRA on 1485 kHz, i give you a link

On facebook you can find some groups devoted of listening to MW


73 de SWL F-14368 Frank

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