SWL of shortwave radios in AM, Medium wave and Long wave, with WEB SDR in Europe by SWL F14368 Frank near Paris France. I like also to listen amateur radio bands, i am FØDUW. This is my blog number ONE. Please visit my 2 other blogs for radios listeners. Don't forget the SSB SWL contest who is also open to amateur radio operators, this contest will start the 01 March 2025 and finish only in October 2025. Thank you. 73

samedi 30 décembre 2023

Listen the world for FREE on your computer ( SW and MW radios, HAMs, Utility, etc )

WHy use a web or kiwi SDR on a computer ???

Many listeners in the world have QRM problems, no antenna outside or on the roof. So if they have a computer and internet its possible to listen many fréquencies, LF, LW, MW, SW, UHF, VHF in many mods ' AM, SSB, CW, DRM, RTTY, FT8, etc ) Its FREE ! Yes i know its better if you have a good radio receiver and a long wire antenne to listen shortwave. I had this in the past but now i listen with a web SDR for AM radios ( in Netherlands )  and a kiwi SDR to listen amateur radio bands ( in Switzerland )

 Map of Kiwi and SDR in the world





What is SDR ?

A WebSDR is a Software-Defined Radio receiver connected to the internet, allowing many listeners to listen and tune it simultaneously. SDR technology makes it possible that all listeners tune independently, and thus listen to different signals; this is in contrast to the many classical receivers that are already available via the internet.


List of WEB SDR in the World


The most famous WEB SDR in the world is located in Netherlands

"On this page you can listen to and control a short-wave receiver located at the amateur radio club ETGD at the University of Twente. In contrast to other web-controlled receivers, this receiver can be tuned by multiple users simultaneously, thanks to the use of Software-Defined Radio.

If you're new to WebSDRs, have a look at the quick start guide written by G0POT."


With this WEB SDR of Twent University you can listen from 0.000 - 29.160 MHz This web SDR is located 500 kms north of Paris France, i have listen many AM radios on longue wave, medium wave and shortwave. Look on my blog please.


You can use a Kiwi SDR to listen to DMR digital radios


You can aslo use a KIWI SDR for décoding many mods like Morse Code CW

What is the difference between a WEB SDR and a KIWI SDR for a SWL of MW and SW radios ?

Why a WEB SDR can be interesting to listen MW LOW POWER and PIRATE radio on SW in EUROPE

How to use a WEBSDR with a computer

To listen to amateur radio bands i use this kiwi SDR

I listen more of 100 DXCC from this kiwi SDR

WebSDR Rigi Scheidegg at 1'660m in the Swiss Alps by HB9RYZ and HB9CQK: click on JN47GA
Operated by Admin HB9RYZ e-mail: info@hb9ryz.ch  Other WebSDR servers at www.websdr.org

Make this contest via a WEB or KIWI SDR !!!

Thank you to the best blog for SWL

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