SWL of shortwave radios in AM, Medium wave and Long wave, with WEB SDR in Europe by SWL F14368 Frank near Paris France. Information about radio receivers for SWL, antennas, etc. Organizer of SWL contest 2023, 2024 and 2025. This is my blog number ONE. Please visit my 2 other blogs for radios listeners. Thank you. 73

lundi 24 juillet 2023

When GRUNDIG was the KING of shortwave with the Satellit radios


For my article about GRUNDIG BOY serie

Grundig is a German consumer electronics manufacter



Grundig was made in West Germany, Portugal and China

Originally a German consumer electronic company, Grundig GmbH was founded in 1945 by Max Grundig and eventually headquartered in Nuremberg. It grew to become one of the leading radio, TV, recorder and other electronics goods manufacturers of Europe in the following decades of the 20th century. In the 1970s, Philips began acquiring Grundig AG's shares, leading to complete control in 1993. In 1998, Philips divested Grundig. 

In 1955, the American firm of Wilcox-Gay began importing Grundig radios into the U.S., using its Majestic Radio dealer network to distribute the German company's products.[9] The marketing of "Majestic-Grundig" radios continued until Wilcox-Gay went out of business at the end of 1961.

  • Radio: Grundig produced several ranges of transistor radios. These included the small portable "Yacht Boy" radios for mariners, with FM, LW, MW, and up to 12 SW bands for worldwide coverage. 

  • The Satellit range radios were the most robust and sophisticated of the Grundig radio range.

Grundig Satellit 205
West Germany, 1964-1965

Grundig Satellit 208

West Germany, 1967-1968 

Grundig Satellit 210

Grundig Satellit 300

Grundig Satellit 400

Grundig Satellit 500

Portugal, 1989-1992

Grundig Satellit 600

Grundig Satellit 650

Portugal, 1986-1991

Grundig Satellit 700
Portugal, 1991-1996 

Grundig Satellit 750
China, 2008

Grundig Satellit 800
China, 2000-2004

Grundig Satellit 1000
West Germany, 1972-1973

Grundig Satellit 1400 Professional
West Germany, 197x-19xx 

Grundig Satellit 1400 SL Professional



Grundig Satellit 2000
West Germany, 1973-1975

Grundig Satellit 2100

Grundig Satellit 4000 Recorder



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