SWL of shortwave radios in AM, Medium wave and Long wave, with WEB SDR in Europe by SWL F14368 Frank near Paris France. Information about radio receivers for SWL, antennas, etc. Organizer of SWL contest 2023, 2024 and 2025. This is my blog number ONE. Please visit my 2 other blogs for radios listeners. Thank you. 73

dimanche 23 juillet 2023

How to make a very serious antenna for shortwave listening

 If you prefer to buy your SWL antenna go part 2 please

You can find a lot of informations in this free PDF book

Chapter 13  Page 284


The small portable radios dont need very serious antennas ( but it can work also ) but if you have a tabletop SW receiver with a female SO 259 you can use a coaxial cable 50 ohms to connect your serious antenna to your radio receiver with a PL 259

ANT 1 and ANT 2 for SW antenna, on SO-239 for VHF 144-146 MHz

50 ohm / Three SO-239, Two N-jacks

In the past i had a very good antenna of the roof of a 10 levels house maybe 20 meter above the ground. 

The RF Systems MLBA-MK2 is a longer 66 foot (20 meters) version of above for improved longwave and medium wave reception. Both versions may be erected horizontally or vertically. However, the optimum configuration is shown above (sloping at about 30°)

At the feed-line end the antenna is terminated with the RF systems' patented Magnetic Longwire Balun. This balun permits an exceptionally low loss transference of antenna energy to your coax feed line. The result is significantly reduced static noise on long, medium wave and the tropical shortwave bands (60 and 90 meters).

We have tested this antenna at Universal, and we are impressed. It is for receive only 0.1 - 40 MHz. Requires 50 ohm lead-in cable not supplied. If you must string an antenna in the attic, consider this one. Because of the magnetic transfer technology used, it picks up far less RF interference from home appliances than other antennas.

Both versions include the MLB balun, antenna wire, end insulators and nylon rope. This antenna is ready to accept a PL259 plug from the lead-in cable you supply. The lead-in cable, radio, house and tree are not included. Additional lightning-surge protection devices are suggested for most installations.

The RF Systems Magnetic Longwire Balun (MLB) makes it possible to efficiently use a coaxial lead-in cable with all forms of longwires, T-forms or other types of wire antennas, without the need for an antenna tuner. A very low loss magnetic transfer of energy from the antenna to the receiver is accomplished and static noise is reduced. Your coax is much less susceptible to interference.

For receive only: 100 kHz to 40 MHz. 50 ohm, SO-239 ouput.


Maybe one of the best web site to make your antenna for SWL

Other links to make serious antennas for MW or shortwave in PDF

Make a loop antenna

Easy antennas for SWL

Other link to antenna for SWL or MW listeners


Unlike an amateur radio, a shortwave listener does not need an antenna to transmit and has no ROS problem. So you can buy a Ham radio antenna to listen SW but the best will be an antenna for shortwave listening AM radio stations 3 to 25 meter or an antenna for listening to medium wave.

If you are like me you can buy your SWL or MW antenna !!!!!

FRITZEL FD4 is also a good choice if you have 40 meters !!!


You can read also my articles about antenna for listeners

Antenna SupermarketEavesdropper Dipoles Wire Antennas
Eavesdropper SWL Sloper Wire Antenna
AORLA-320 Loop Antenna
LA-350 Loop Antenna
LA-380 Loop Antenna
LA-390 Loop Antenna
LA-800 Loop Antenna
WL-500 Window Loop Antenna
Apex303WA Vertical Antenna
700DTA Active Antenna 0.5-30 MHz
B&WASW-5 SWL Window Antenna
ASW60L/60C/100 SWL Dipole Antenna
DresslerARA-40/60/100HDX Active Antennas
KaitoKA31 Indoor Active Loop Antenna
KA33 Indoor Active Loop Antenna
KA35 Indoor Active Loop Antenna
KiwaPocket Loop Loop Antenna
McKay DymekDA-100DA-100D/DMDA-100E/EM Active Antennas 0.5-30 MHz
Miracle AntennaMMD End-Fed Dipole Antennas
NTiML052 Wideband Active Antenna 9 kHz - 30 MHz
PalomarLA1 Loop Antenna System
PalstarAA30 Indoor Active Antenna 0.3-30 MHz
RF SystemsDX-One Pro MkII Professional Active Antenna .02-60 MHz.
DX-10 Outdoor Active Antenna
DX-10 Pro Active Antenna .03-35 MHz.
EMF Wire Antenna 0.1-30 MHz
EMF-P Wire Antenna 0.1-30 MHz
Mini-Windom Wire Antenna 0.5-30 MHz
MLB Balun Receive Balun
MLB Marine Balun Kit Receive Balun for Sailboats
MLBA-MK1 & MLBA-MK2 Wire Antennas
MLBA-MK3 & MLBA-MK4 Stainless Wire Antennas
MTA, GMDSS & GMDSS-2 Vertical Antennas
T2FD Wire Antenna 3-35 MHz
RadioMasterP-30 Wire Antenna 0.5-30 MHz
SonyAN-   1 Indoor-Outoor Active Antenna LW/MW/SW
AN-102 Indoor Active Antenna LW/MW/SW
AN-LP1 Indoor Loop Active Antenna SW
VectronicsAT-100 Indoor Active Antenna

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