SWL of shortwave radios in AM, Medium wave and Long wave, with WEB SDR in Europe by SWL F14368 Frank near Paris France. I like also to listen amateur radio bands, i am FØDUW. This is my blog number ONE. Please visit my 2 other blogs for radios listeners. Don't forget the SSB SWL contest who is also open to amateur radio operators, this contest will start the 01 March 2025 and finish only in October 2025. Thank you. 73

mercredi 6 septembre 2023

What is the difference between a WEB SDR and a KIWI SDR for a SWL of MW and SW radios ?



Many WEB SDR are not from 100 kHz to 29999 kHz

Choice the band who want to listen and the region where is located the WEB SDR

They are a lot of bands possible ( 15 )

If you want a 100 to 29999 kHz

On a web SDR you can have the names of radios who use the frequencies

If you click on STATION INFO you can have the Medium Wave or Short wave


On SW in red the radio who is broadcasting a this moment on this Frequencie

15110 VOICE OF AMERICA14:0015:001234567Chinese250315

Voice of America in Chinese from Philippines with 250 KW is jamming by RED China...

For SWL who listen to amateur radio on SW, you can listen in AM, SSB, CW, FM for UHF VHF.


Now the KIWI SDR

Listen MW near London   http://kiwisdr1.hoka.co.uk:8072/

How to use a KIWI SDR

On a Kiwi no list of radios like Medium wave and shortwave like on WEB SDR

But on KIWI SDR you can listen to CW ( the message will be on your screne in clear ! )

Also you can listen to DMR radios !

What is DRM ?

On a KIWI SDR you can decode many modes

I am not a specialiste of KIWI, for the SWL of radios stations in AM the web SDR is i think better. But on the KIWI you can decode DMR radios. 

Kiwi SDR are more difficult to use because they are many modes but this is very interesting.

WEB SDR better for SWL MW and SW,

 KIWI SDR better for DMR and utility stations

Good DX and 73 de Frank SWL F14368

Users of WEB SDR from twente netherlands

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