SWL of shortwave radios in AM, Medium wave and Long wave, with WEB SDR in Europe by SWL F14368 Frank near Paris France. I like also to listen amateur radio bands, i am FØDUW. This is my blog number ONE. Please visit my 2 other blogs for radios listeners. Don't forget the SSB SWL contest who is also open to amateur radio operators, this contest will start the 01 March 2025 and finish only in October 2025. Thank you. 73

vendredi 30 juin 2023

History of radios stores RADIOSHACK and radios receivers for SWL


All catalogs in PDF http://pdf.textfiles.com/catalogs/RADIOSHACK/

https://www.radioshack.com/  in 2023 RadioShack is BACK !!!

You can read the history of this great store for SWL, cb radio opérators and amateur  radio on these links:





Article 54 Page 271

Full 1990 catalogue 

Second hand price in Euros in France 2020

In 1973, Tandy Corporation began an expansion program outside their home market of the US, opening a chain of RadioShack-style stores in Europe and Australia under the Tandy name. The first store to open was in Aartselaar, Belgium on August 9, 1973. The first UK store opened October 11, 1973, in Hall Green, Birmingham. Initially, these new stores were under direct ownership of Tandy Corporation. In 1986, Tandy Corporation formed its subsidiary InterTAN as separate entity though connections between them were still visible. For example, catalogue number compatibility was maintained so that the same catalogue number in both companies would refer to the same item.

Tandy stores in the UK sold mainly own-brand goods under the 'Realistic' label and the shops were distinguished on the high street by continuing to use written sales receipts and a cash drawer instead of a till as late as the early 1990s. Staff were required to take the name and address of any customer who made a purchase, however small, in order to put them on the company's brochure mailing list, which often caused disgruntlement. A popular feature of Tandy stores was the free battery club, in which customers were allowed to claim a certain number of free batteries per year. In the early 1990s, the chain ran the 'Tandy Card' store credit card scheme and the 'Tandy Care' extended warranty policies which were heavily marketed by staff.

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