SWL of shortwave radios in AM, Medium wave and Long wave, with WEB SDR in Europe by SWL F14368 Frank near Paris France. Information about radio receivers for SWL, antennas, etc. Organizer of SWL contest 2023, 2024 and 2025. This is my blog number ONE. Please visit my 2 other blogs for radios listeners. Thank you. 73

mardi 15 août 2023

Where to listen good music on SW an MW in Europe ?


This is not pirate radios


25800 Week end music radio DNK

17515  Piepzender radio Netherlands 

15790 Week end music radio DNK

15700 Week end music radio DNK

13685 Piepzender radio Netherlands

12075 Radio Delta (GER) 

11720 Scandinavian WE radio Finland

11690 scandinavian WE radio Finland

11670 Radio Delta (GER)

9670 Channel 292 (GER)

9530 Radio Onda Netherlands

7660 Rock power Netherlands

7425 Piepzender radio Netherlands

7405 Piepzender radio Netherlands

7310 ShortWave Service (Ger)

7270 Rock Power Netherlands

6960 ZEP radio Greece

6020 radio Delta Netherlands

6205 Lazer hot hits Netherlands

6205 Radio Technician man ?

6205 Radio Europe ?

6005 radio Delta Netherlands

6180 Marconi radio Int Italia

6170 Radio Europa Netherlands

6150 Radio EUROPA 24 (GER) 

6140 radio Onda Netherlands

6185 Piepzender radio Netherlands

6170 Scandinavian WE radio Finland

6160 SW radio (GER)

6150 Europa 24 (GER)

6130 Radio Europa Netherlands

6115 SE-TA2 (GER)

6085 Radio Mi Amigo (GER)

6070 Channel 292 (GER)

6060 Radio Casanova Netherlands

6055 OZ-Viola DNK

6045 Short Wave rock ?

6020 Delta radio Int Netherlands

6020 Radio Casanova Netherlands

6005 Delta radio Int Netherlands

6005 SW service (GER)

5980 Scandinavian WE radio Finland

5970 Radio 208 (DNK)

5955 Sunlite Netherlands

5940 Piepzender radio Netherlands

5930 World music radio (DNK)

5895 Northern star Norway

5880 Radio rock revolution Netherlands

5810 radio Deltracks

5810 Radio Voyager

5140 Charleston radio

3985 Radio Mi Amigo (GER)

3985 SW Service (GER)

3975 SW radio (GER)

3955 Channel 292 (GER)


Other interesting link about music on shortwave


They are also many pirates radios in Europe on SW and MW




For the LPAM Low Power AM radios in Europe

On Medium Wave Day and Night

The First
The Best
The Last


The Night only

Radio POWER 927 MW Italia

You can listen Europe with a computer via Kiwi or WEB SDR

My blog with a lot of listening of SW and MW radio in Europe

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