SWL of shortwave radios in AM, Medium wave and Long wave, with WEB SDR in Europe by SWL F14368 Frank near Paris France. I like also to listen amateur radio bands, i am FØDUW. This is my blog number ONE. Please visit my 2 other blogs for radios listeners. Don't forget the SSB SWL contest who is also open to amateur radio operators, this contest will start the 01 March 2025 and finish only in October 2025. Thank you. 73

vendredi 13 décembre 2024

0 to 30 MHZ what can we hear and listen to? Part 7

 0 to 30 MHZ what can we hear and listen to? Part seven

Did you read part 1 to 6 on this blog ?  https://icomjapan.blogspot.com/

We start with this link:


Links for SWL, radios collection, QSL cards collection, BCL, SWL, MW listeners, pirate radios, etc

radios brands

SWL LOOP antenna

SW transmitters site location




Radioamateur français

SW log

Shortwave central

Radioamateur au Canada

Materiel radioamateur en France

Indice SN et SFI ???

Propagation sur les bandes radioamateur


Le ref

Frequences radioamateur

Reparations CB

Military, government, and civilian Shortwave / 

HF radio network frequencies

Military, government, and civilian Shortwave / HF radio network frequenc

SWLD will be closing down in 2025
After 26 years of providing Australian and Pacific HF Frequencies to Shortwave Listeners. Our funding has dwindled down to nothing for the last 2 years from both the google ads or donations and we cannot afford to renew the domain registration and hosting. If you need to download copies of frequency lists please do so as our email has now been disabled. There will be no tech support or email after we go offline.

XHDATA radio receivers


Hundreds of free books and magazines in different languages

FREE in PDF The Ham Radio Handbook by W6PNF and many other books and magazines

Preview of SDR Receivers

Antennas in the world

1000 Frequencies in the world

DX Fanzine

SWL equipment

HAM stamps

Lot of infos about radios in French

Test of radio receivers

Shortwave transmitter sites

HAM web cluster

AM radios QSL


Listeners DX guides

MW pirates

MW links

SW radios

HAm SWL contests

Lot of links for SWL

Clandestine radios

TROPICAL bands for listener pn SW



FREE radio on SW and MW


Heathkit collection

SWL contests on HAM bands

Famous SONY 7600

HF beacons on HAM bands

Millions of links !!!!!!!!!

Books in PDF, etc

Radio stations in the world !!!

UTILITY stations on SW

In English

DX infos in Sweden

WEB SDR for beginners


SWL guide book in PDF

List of nice SW receivers

QSL card collection for SWL of AM radio station in the past

Grey line map for DX

HAMs or freebanders on 11 meter
DXing Tips For Little Pistols 

Amateur radio

Long path ?

Propagation on SW

WAS award

LW radio stations

Scandinavia SWL clubs

A super-cheap, super-easy, very effective AM radio antenna

Prices of second hand TX or RX in Euros

HITACHI radios

How to make your shortwave propagation predictions ?

All the Popular communications and Monitoring Time magazine collection for Free in PDF

The most simple way to know if there is propagation on the shortwave

China radios broadcast on 1389 frequencies in many languages all over the world !!!

Please dont forget to visit my 3 blogs

Visit also my 2 Facebook pages and group

SWL contest 2025 rules

Thank you de Frank SWL F14368 near Paris France

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