SWL of shortwave radios in AM, Medium wave and Long wave, with WEB SDR in Europe by SWL F14368 Frank near Paris France. I like also to listen amateur radio bands, i am FØDUW. This is my blog number ONE. Please visit my 2 other blogs for radios listeners. Don't forget the SSB SWL contest who is also open to amateur radio operators, this contest will start the 01 March 2025 and finish only in October 2025. Thank you. 73

mercredi 15 mai 2024

0 to 30 MHZ what can we hear and listen to? Part SIX

Links for SWL, etc

QSL cards informations

An article from me with many link for listeners

UTC time now ?

Lot of LINKS for SWL, listeners of LW, MW and SW, listeners of AM radios, pirate radios, clandestines radios, amateur radios, etc.

https://on5vl.org/ ( Belgique )

How To Tune In Pirate Radio Broadcasts on Shortwave

Contiments on SW ( ondes courtes ) for AM radio stations
Africa sur ondes courtes: www.bdxc.org.uk/africa.pdf
Asia sur ondes courtes : www.bdxc.org.uk/asia.pdf
Europe sur ondes courtes : www.bdxc.org.uk/europe.pdf
Amérique du Nord north america sur oc : www.bdxc.org.uk/americaN.pdf
Amérique du Sud south america sur oc : www.bdxc.org.uk/americaS.pdf
Moyen-Orient Middle east : www.bdxc.org.uk/mideast.pdf
Pacific sur ondes courtes : www.bdxc.org.uk/pacific.pdf

How to properly install a Mini Whip antenna in an noisy urban environment

Dave’s Homemade Loop Antennas

Active antenna

Amplifier for Small Magnetic and Electric Receiving Wideband Antennas


MFJ LOOP antenna

W6LVP Loop antenna

PALOMAR baluns

UTILITY stations


153 kHz - 1959.42m - Romania - Antena Satelor - 200 kW
153 kHz - 1959.42m - Algeria - Channie 1 - 2000 kW
162 kHz - 1850.57m - France - TDF (Time) - 800 kW
164 kHz - 1828.00m - Mongolia - MNB1 - 250 kW
171 kHz - 1753.17m - Morocco - Medi 1 - 1600 kW
189 kHz - 1586.20m - Iceland - RaS 1/2 - 300 kW
198 kHz - 1514.10m - UK - BBC 4 - 50/500 kW
209 kHz - 1434.41m - Mongolia - MNB1 - 40 kW
225 kHz - 1332.41m - Poland - Polskie Radio - 1000/700 kW
252 kHz - 1189.65m - Algeria - Channie 3 - 1500/750 kW

Nice group for listeners on FACEBOOK SW and MW
Poor Man's Shortwave Radio Listening
WRTH - World Radio Tv Handbook


A lot of radio receivers

Loop antenna MLA 30

Russian pirates frequencies

Incredible web site for SWL

Frequencies for HF and shortwave radio networks in Oceania:
AntarcticaAustraliaNew ZealandPapua New GuineaU.KU.S.A, and more.
Our directory includes aviation
maritime, military, government, civilian, and shortwave broadcast.

Very old radios links

Logs on your computer for SWL

TOP BAND 160 meter

Germanydxer LW MW SW UKW - SWL for BC and Ham Radio - DL-S2121737- DL0052SWL

Italian SWL



Radio Dxing, Collecting QSLs from Kolkata, India


MW Pirates


Reducing RF Noise with Common Mode Chokes

 SWL QSL Card Museum

Many links for listeners on these six articles

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