SWL of shortwave radios in AM, Medium wave and Long wave, with WEB SDR in Europe by SWL F14368 Frank near Paris France. Informations about radio receivers for SWL, antennas, etc. Organiser of SWL contest 2023 and 2024.. This is my blog number ONE. Please visit my 2 other blogs about my listening. Thank you. 73

mercredi 24 janvier 2024

Rules of the SWL Contest 2024 june july august 2024

In 2024 i will give only e-AWARDS 

Award will be BRONZE one to forty-nine radios stations (1 to 49),

 SILVER fifty to ninety-nine radios stations (50 to 99),

GOLD one hundred to two hundred radios stations (100 to 200) 

and PLATINIUM more of two hundred radios station (200 and more)

DIAMOND for more or 250 radio stations

You must be sure to identified the radio station for exemple with these books or CD



Your can also use free web sites on internet to identified radio stations




A easy way is to enter the frequencie on GOOGLE like 13755 khz ( its important to write khz )



The shortwave bands for AM radio stations, some radio stations broadcast near these band and are accepted ( especialy Pirate and clandestine )

For CHINA they are a lot of radios on shortwave

You can listen many different radios stations from China and enter it in you log

Exemple CNR 1, CNR 17, PBS Gannan, etc.

China radio international is the most famous but they are a lot of radio stations like  PBS and CNR

China national radio

They are 17 radio stations

You can find all information on:

Look at PBS and CNR on SW Infos



My best links to identifie a radio stations on Internet



Exemple of list band by bands fot SWL Contest 2024

13 meter: Sound of Hope, SBA Saudi radio int, BBC, CNR1 

15 meter: Voice of Hope, CNR1

16 meter:  Mashaal radio, radio Ergo, Ifrikia FM, radio France int, Voice of Turkey

19 meter: WWCR, Sound of Hope, CNR1, Radio Liberty, WRMI, Mashall radio, radio Free Asia, Radio Farda, Radio Iran int

22 meter: Sound of Hope, CNR1, FEBC, China radio int, SBA Radio Riyadh, RNZ Pacific, CNR7, CNR13

25 meter: Sound of Hope, CNR1, radio liberty, FEBC, AWR, BBC, Radio free Asia, Voice of Vietnam,
China radio int, radio Farda

31 meter: WRMI, Voice of Martyrs, radio Farda, CNR13, KTWR, CNR1,  Voice of America, CNR2, KBS world radio, NHK Radio Japan, CNR8

41 meter: Radio Casa AM, Voice of America, PBS Xizang, Radio Taiwan int, CNR2, 
PBS Nei Menggu, CNR5, HCJB, Radio Marti, Thazin radio, Radio Vaticana

49 meter: Lazer hot hits, Voice of Koréa, PBS Qinghai, Radio Tawantinsuyo, Yunnan radio int, 
Radio Slovakia int

60 meter: PBS Xinjiang, Bay islands radio, Beibu bay radio, Radio Educacao rural, 
Radio Quillabamba

75 meter: CNR2, Voice of hope, Echo of Unification, KCBS, Channel 292

90 meter: Voice of indonesia, KCBS

120 meter: KCBS

Please give me also the TOTAL of radio station you listen during the contest

Exemple I listen in total 152 radio stations

My Facebook page

73 de Frank SWL F14368 ( near Paris France EUROPE )

SWL contest 2024 organiser

If you like to use your computer to make you log

The SWL Logger can be freely downloaded from Sourceforge.   The contest
update will be issued 3-5 days prior to the contest start.

Jeff Stillinger - KB6IBB
KB6IBB Laboratories, Wylie Tx
Reddit: r/KB6IBBSWLLogger

I have included a sample of the report that the logger will generate.  I believe that it meets the specifications of the rules.   The rules are fairly difficult to understand, I feel like something is being lost in translation.   However, I would like to ensure that the report meets specification prior to the contest.

In the sample report, you will see a entry for Radio Prague, which was broadcasting outside of the chart you provided on the rules page.  Shown and UNK and in summary, shown as outside the band.   The way I understand the rules, there would be no points awarded for stations outside of the band chart.

Entries are sorted by frequency, therefore also sorted by band.

I did not calculate any points or estimated points.

Sample report to follow:

KB6IBB SWL Logger Version  5.0.0-2 LTS  |  Linux Edition
SWL Contest Report Generated on: 2024-04-26 15:25:29

Receiving Station: KB6IBB  Jeff Stillinger

Date   Time   Frequency   Band   Mode   SINPO   Station
2024-01-15  23:58   5850  UNK  AM  44434  Radio Prague
2024-02-10  03:10   6105  49M  AM  45334  NHK Radio Japan  [EiBi]
2024-02-03  15:30  13845  22M  AM  45434  WWCR 3 Nashville, TN  [EiBi]
=====| Summary |=====
120 Meter Band: 0
 90 Meter Band: 0
 75 Meter Band: 0
 60 Meter Band: 0
 49 Meter Band: 1
 41 Meter Band: 0
 31 Meter Band: 0
 25 Meter Band: 0
 22 Meter Band: 1
 19 Meter Band: 0
 16 Meter Band: 0
 15 Meter Band: 0
 13 Meter Band: 0
 11 Meter Band: 0
 Outside Bands: 1
Total Stations Logged: 3

If you need to buy a new shortwave radio receiver for a cheap price you can look the 

XHDATA D-109 radio at 40 Euros only include shipping to Europe, look on web site for other place in the world. They can send to many countries in the world.  


Please read my aricle about XHDATA radio receivers

You can also find on Amazon and other web sites.

A good radio receiver for a cheap price

ONLY 10 US Dollars $ + shipping !!!!!



A good radio receiver for 30 US Dollars $


Anon-CO in Hong Kong

My article on my blog

On FACEBOOK they are a lot of groups for shortwave listeners

You can find a lot of usefull informations 

In English

Amateur radio, CB radio, PMR446, walkie talkies, and many more.

Equipment for SWL and amateur radio


The best Fiberglass masts
for SWL, CB Radio and amateur radio operators.

OMØET baluns and LOOP ANTENNA for HAM QRP, CB radio and SWL

Thank you to one of the best SWL blog in the world

The SWLing Post is a community of shortwave radio and amateur radio enthusiasts sharing shortwave radio reviews, news, broadcasting, pirate radio, numbers stations, interviews, and much more. We aim to provide quality content in the form of:

  • Everything radio, with a focus on the HF/Shortwave portions of the spectrum
  • International broadcasting news
  • Amateur radio news
  • Interviews
  • The internet and, specifically how it influences radio broadcasters
  • The history and future of shortwave radio
  • Shortwave radio reviews

Next SWL contest 2025 will start the 01 January 2025 and close the 28 february 2025.

The goal will be to listen Transmitters of official AM radio stations in the world.

Only AM mode 

No pirate stations or clandestines

E-Awards for all participation

The rules will be soon on my blog number one

If you are on facebook 

Thank you de Frank SWL F14368 near Paris France

Organizer of SWL Contest 2023, 2024 and 2025

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