SWL of shortwave radios in AM, Medium wave and Long wave, with WEB SDR in Europe by SWL F14368 Frank near Paris France. I like also to listen amateur radio bands, i am FØDUW. This is my blog number ONE. Please visit my 2 other blogs for radios listeners. Don't forget the SSB SWL contest who is also open to amateur radio operators, this contest will start the 01 March 2025 and finish only in October 2025. Thank you. 73

vendredi 14 juillet 2023

MW Propagation for local radio stations or DXers

 I think medium wave are interesting because on shortwave there are fewer and fewer radio stations.

In Europe some countries authorise small power private radio stations. 

AM sound quality isn't all that bad provided the station is received reasonably well, with no electrical noise or fading. AM's audience in France is limited to a handful of enthusiasts or those nostalgic for the waves of yesteryear. AM in France has been dead for a long time, the decline having started with the advent of FM and the so-called "free" radios of the early 80s. AM stations. In the Netherlands AM is reserved for LPAM (Low Power AM), low power radio stations. They are dozens to issue there but sometimes ephemeral. There are also some private short wave stations (Radio Miamigo for example) In France there is only one private medium wave radio station, BRETAGNE 5


Bretagne 5 is the only French radio station to broadcast marine weather forecasts for sailors and yachtsmen who navigate the Atlantic, the English Channel and the North Sea.

Marine weather bulletins, established by Météo France forecasters based in Toulouse, are broadcast 7 days a week on Bretagne 5 at 00:02, 9:02 and 21:02 (legal time), for large areas (South of the North Sea and Channel, and Near Atlantic and Channel West), and at 1:02 p.m. (legal time), for the coastal areas from Cap de la Hague to Anse de l'Aiguillon. The reception of these bulletins on the boats is possible thanks to the diffusion in medium waves.

Broadcasting on medium waves allows Bretagne 5 to be heard over a large part of the English Channel and the Atlantic and more widely over wide areas, from Scotland to Cantabria. The Bretagne 5 signal can be picked up in good conditions at sea at nightfall and before sunrise.

A simple receiver equipped with medium waves (AM/MW) tuned to 1593 kHz, the Brittany frequency 5, is sufficient for easy reception of marine weather forecasts in the open sea.

I like to listen this ex pirates radios who play music from the 60's , 70's, POP music, hard rock...

Big radio station stop broacasting on longue wave and medium wave because of FM radios, internet. 

They are place for new radios. Tts my dream to have a 1 KW radios with a big mast !!! In Netherlands i fink maximum power is 100 watts. 

Majotity of radio do this for the fun even its not free because you pays taxes and for only 1 watt low power radio its around 500 US $. also you must buy the tranceiver, antenna, etc. 

So radio receive money because they do paid advertising for businesses located near the radio station.

I dont know the rules for this. 

Some radios here in Europe have very good sound sometine not far from FM

I like Radio Power 927 from italie at night, they play funk music and the DJ' s are like former radio station professionals.


Off course Radio Caroline is here day and night on 648 kHz

From the earliest days of the history of broadcasting, a number of radio stations licensed in Mexico, became known to the general public as border-blasters. This was due to their excessive use of power which was necessary to reach their intended audience in American cities far north of the border. The traditional border-blasters were AM radio stations; though there are numerous FM radio and even television stations along the border that broadcast to the U.S. from Mexico, the power of FM stations along the border is limited by a U.S.-Mexican agreement.

However, because these stations are licensed by the government of Mexico, they can only be classified as pirate radio stations in the same way that the British government classified Radio Luxembourg as a pirate radio station. Radio Luxembourg was a licensed station broadcasting with a power and on a frequency that the British authorities objected to, because the intended audience for its programs were located within the United Kingdom. The objection by the government of the United Kingdom to commercial broadcasts from Luxembourg, France and other countries, was primarily based upon its protection of the non-commercial BBC Radio monopoly. Also, the UK at the time required a license for radios, which was limited to UK stations; it still requires a license for television sets. However, the U.S. has never required a license to listen to broadcast radio or TV; today, it even issues routine licenses under the Brinkley Act, originally enacted to silence the border-blaster charlatan John R. Brinkley, for the operation of Mexican stations from studio facilities in the U.S.

On a frequencie you can receive 2 ou 3 stations so you must turn you radio receiver who have an antenna for medium wave inside.

If you like a better antenna for MW


If you want to know better what is MW and is propagation i invite you to visit these links:





MWLIST quick and easy: Europe, Africa and Middle East


MWLIST quick and easy: North America, Central America, Caribbean

DX on MW


The album "ANTENNA" appeared in January 94. Its title is a tribute to "rock & roll" radio and black and blues music, more particularly to the very powerful Mexican stations located on the Texas border and which influenced the group ZZ-TOP in the 50's and 60's

250,000 watt XERF AM radio station in Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila MEXICO

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