SWL of shortwave radios in AM, Medium wave and Long wave, with WEB SDR in Europe by SWL F14368 Frank near Paris France. Informations about radio receivers for SWL, antennas, etc. Organiser of SWL contest 2023 and 2024.. This is my blog number ONE. Please visit my 2 other blogs about my listening. Thank you. 73

vendredi 4 octobre 2024

Disparition de Gildas Bourdais le spécialiste Français de Roswell

 Gildas Bourdais (né le  à Nantes et mort le 25 septembre 2024 à Courbevoie) est un ancien cadre de l'édition, peintre, et écrivain ufologue français, partisan de « l'hypothèse extraterrestre » (HET).

  • 1994 : Enquête sur l'existence d'êtres célestes et cosmiquesFilipacchi, Paris, 412 p. (ISBN 2-85018-246-X)
  • 1995 : Sont-ils déjà là ? Extraterrestres, L'Affaire RoswellPresses du Châtelet, Paris, 225 p. (ISBN 2-911217-04-7)
  • 1997 : OVNIS : 50 ans de secret, les dossiers, les témoignages...Presses du Châtelet, Paris, 311 p. (ISBN 2-911217-22-5)
  • 2001 : OVNIS : La levée progressive du secretJMG, coll. « Science-conscience », Agnières, 434 p. (ISBN 2-912507-38-3)
  • 2004 : Roswell : Enquêtes, secret et désinformationJMG, coll. « Science-conscience », Agnières, 480 p. (ISBN 2-915164-07-X)
  • 2007 : Visions célestes, visions cosmiques, Le Temps Présent, coll. « Enigma », Agnières, 407 p. (ISBN 2-35185-017-3)
  • 2009 : Le crash de Roswell : Enquête inédite, Le Temps Présent, coll. « Enigma », Agnières, 390 p. (ISBN 2-35185-034-3)
  • 2010 : OVNIS : Vers la fin du secret ?, Le Temps Présent, coll. « Fonction Psi », Agnières, 432 p. (ISBN 2-35185-060-2)
  • 2017 : Roswell. La vérité. Editions l'Archipel, , 288p. (EAN 9782845927117)
  • 2017 : Médias et complots. Manipulations et vérités, JMG Editions, , 281 p. (ISBN 9782357840324)
  • 2004 : Roger K. LeirDes extraterrestres capturés à Varginha au Brésil, le nouveau Roswell, Le Mercure dauphinois, coll. « Les dossiers non classés », Grenoble, 200 p. (ISBN 2-913826-50-4)
  • 2008 : Colm A. Kelleher et George Knapp, La science confrontée à l'inexpliqué sur un ranch isolé de l'Utah (Hunt for the skinwalker), trad. avec Francis Turcat, Le Mercure dauphinois, Grenoble, 381 p. (ISBN 978-2-35662-007-1)
  • 2012 : Roger K. LeirContacts OVNI. La dernière frontière, trad. avec Alain Charoy, Le Mercure dauphinois, Grenoble, 221 p. (ISBN 978-2-35662-048-4)
  • 2014 : Leslie Kean (en)Des généraux, des pilotes et des officiels parlent, Dervy Editions , 430 p. (titre orig. "UFOs. Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record". Harmony Books, New York, 2010) (ISBN 1024200310)

Nombreuses vidéos sur YOUTUBE 

Le blog Ufologique de Gildas Bourdais

Ce site est consacré à l'actualité, l'histoire, et des analyses et commentaires à propos des OVNI (Objets volants non-identifiés) ou des PAN (Phénomènes aérospatiaux non-identifiés), ainsi qu'aux relations qu'entretiennent avec ce sujet les états ou le public. -------------------------------------------Mots clés : OVNI, PAN, UFO, ET, HET, COMETA, ufologie, extraterrestres, Roswell.

Gildas a participé a de nombreuses émissions sur Radio Ici et maintenant 95.2 MHz FM de Didier de Plaige 

  • OVNIS et implants. Un chirurgien témoigne, Grenoble, Mercure Dauphinois, 2003. (ISBN 2-913826-29-6)
  • Des Extraterrestres capturés à Varginha au Brésil. Le Nouveau Roswell, traduit de l'anglais par Gildas Bourdais, Grenoble, Le Mercure Dauphinois, 2004.

dimanche 29 septembre 2024

Excellent long-distance propagation in 2025-2026 and far beyond.


Dear friends,


says NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center on 9 August

2024 at www.swpc.noaa.gov : "Solar Cycle 25 likely reached

the highest sunspot number yet - a value of at least 299.

The SWPC non-official, estimated daily sunspot number for

August 8th was 337, a value not observed since March

2001." By consequence, we'll see good to excellent

high-frequency (HF) long-distance propagation conditions

throughout 2025-2026 and far beyond.


More than 800 Kiwi-SDRs are now available at

www.kiwisdr.com , allowing easy global monitoring and

decoding of professional HF digital data stations. Hundreds

of pertinent screenshots will be published in our brandnew

2025 editions. See dozens of samples on our hotfrequencies



We're now working on our new products


- 2025/2026 Guide to Utility Radio Stations

- 2025 Shortwave Frequency Guide

- 2025 Super Frequency List on CD

- 2025 Frequency Database for the Perseus SDR


to be published on 10 December 2024.


Full-resolution title page graphics can be found at

www.klingenfuss.org/g_2025.gif and


www.klingenfuss.org/r_2025.jpg and


www.klingenfuss.org/s_2025.gif and



If you are able to supply additional new frequencies and

stations, your cooperation would be highly appreciated.

Please let us have your data by 20 October 2024.


The continuously updated product Digital Data Decoder

Screenshots on USB Stick now covers more than 27,000

(twenty seven thousand!) screenshots from 1997 to today.

Feed your PC or Tablet with this data, and the "slide show"

will keep you busy for a few days - or weeks!


Shortwave is dead? Well, we've been told so ... for 57+

years. More than 1,000 (one thousand!) selected new digital

data decoder screenshots will be published on our 2025

Super Frequency List on CD ;-))




Latest references (full list at www.klingenfuss.org/ref.htm)



Eric Bodin F4FJP, France - 16 June 2024: "2024 Shortwave

Frequency Guide ... 2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio

Stations ... 2024 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thank you

for your speed and for the work that went into making these

books and CDs."


Stephen Williams MW7NEF, United Kingdom - 3 May 2024:

"2024 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... on first inspection it

looks great, packed with information, I can see that a large

amount of work has been put into it."


Blazej Muraszko M0CFV, United Kingdom - 8 April 2024:

"2024 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2023/2024 Guide to

Utility Radio Stations ... Keep on doing what you are doing

for the radio enthusiast!"


Harald Kuhl DL1AX, Buchbesprechungen editor of

Radio-Kurier Weltweit Hören, Germany - February 2024:

"2024 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... ist weiterhin das

einzige gedruckte Frequenzwerk, das sich mit den beiden

wichtigsten Nutzern des Kurzwellenspektrums befasst: den

professionellen Funkdiensten und den Hörfunkstationen ..."


Daniele Cristaldini IK2XRO, Italy - 22 February 2024: "2024

Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2024 Super Frequency List

on CD ... Grazie per l'ottimo lavoro in questi decenni.

Continuate così!!"


Raven Redbird, HF Underground - 20 January 2024: "2024

Shortwave Frequency Guide ... pricey but worth it. Sorry

WXYZ ... but I like the fact this publication includes both BC

and utility frequencies for easy reference. I purchased this

online from Universal Radio."


Fred Osterman N8EKU, Universal Radio Inc., United States

of America - 2 January 2024: "2024 Shortwave Frequency

Guide ... 2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... It is a

blessing that you still produce these wonderful books after

so many decades."





Best wishes, Joerg Klingenfuss


Klingenfuss Publications

Klingenfuss Radio Monitoring

Hagenloher Str. 14

72070 Tuebingen




The 2024 CD and soon the 2025 CD

The 2024 book and soon the 2025 Shortwave Frequency Guide

vendredi 27 septembre 2024

SWL contest 2025 rules

WEBSDRSWL: SWL contest 2025 rules:  SWL contest 2025 rules The contest will start the 01 January 2025 and finish the 28 February 2025 They are 3 categories 1) Only listen the ...

samedi 14 septembre 2024

Thank you to the 9 sponsors for SWL Contest 2024

 Thank you very much to our nice sponsors. 

It was a surprise for the listeners who worked this contest in 2024

Next year for the SWL Contest 2025 i will have only E-Awards

All these sponsors was already with us in 2023

If you need to buy équipment for SWL, Amateur radio or CB radio these brands are very sérious.

By alphabétical order:

Anon-CO from Hong Kong sale all the radios and antenna from TECSUN

For this contest they give a TECSUN PL-880 and a PL-368

https://www.anon-co.com/  and for Europe  https://www.anon-co-eu.com/


Klingenfuss Publications from Germany give a CD for shortwave listeners


Thank you Joerg

Paul OM0ET from Slovakia give a balun to make a SWL antenna


Thank you Paul

We support shipping to the UK, CA, AU, BR, MX, NZ, NO, SG, CL, CO, JP, and the US and EU

Raddy from UK have a big collection of radio receivers for listeners

They give a RADDY RF760 Full Band SSB SW Radio

Thank you RADDY

If you need to buy a new radio watch the test made by Jay Allen on is web site.

Thank you to RETEKESS in China who will give 3 TR110

Thanks a lot

Danke to SPIDERBEAM fiberglass masts in GERMANY for SWL, amateur radio, CB radio opérators.

SPIDERBEAM give a nice 7 meters long fiberglass mast with a transport bag


XHDATA from China give 3 nice radio receivers, thank you!

I wrote an article about this nice brand



XHDATA D-220 radio

Thank you very much to these 9 sponsors for the SWL Contest 2024

73 de Frank SWL F14368/F0DUW

The résults of the SWL Contest 2024

 Thank you all for your participation.

Thank you to our nice sponsors


 This year I received thirty logs.

 I had a surprise because I found 9 nice sponsors.

 I preferred not to say in advance that there would be sponsors to avoid cheaters!

 Next year I will organize another contest at the beginning of 2025. Rules in November 2024 on this blog.

My Facebook    https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009933974595

So I'm going to show you the list of 31 participants, apart from myself and Vincent in Belgium who listened from the Web SDR in Twente in the Netherlands, all the others listened with real radios.

After i will write another article on this blog about our nice sponsors for 2024

1 Peter Netherlands who listen 425 Radio stations !

2 Nektarios Greece 280

3 Frank France 266
with Web SDR

4 Duane USA 260

5 Roberto Italia 251

6 Allen Canada 215

7 Manuel Mexico 205

8 Vincent Belgium 200

9 Javier Spain 190

10 Sanil India 186

11 Shukhrat Uzbekistan 176

12 Ranjit Nepal 169

13 Janos Spain 167

14 John Philippines 166

15 Pradip India 163

16 David Czech 162

17 Martin England 129

18 Jose India 113

19 Santo Italia 110

20 Manuel Spain 103

21 David Poland 102

22 Toshiki Japan 91

23 Jayanta India 52

24 Najimudin India 51

25 Stephane France 50

26 Adrian Malta 46

27 Juan Spain 38

28 Mike USA 36

29 Eugenio Italia 33

30 Reiner Germany 32

31 Reinhard Germany 21

For the SWL Contest 2025 please look here